If We Were Having Coffee… 3/5/17


Welcome! I am so happy for our coffee date this week. Come on in and grab a cup of your favorite beverage. You can even have some left over birthday cake or some of the kit kats that my kids got me for my birthday.

It has been a long and stressful week here. We had a devastating tornado blow through on Tuesday and left a path of destruction in its wake. My family and my home are all fine, thank goodness. Many in my town were not as lucky and lost everything. This is a small community, so we all know these families well. There was also one fatality. The cleanup and relief efforts continue day by day and will take a while. Local businesses have stepped in to help and the outpouring of donations from locals and surrounding areas has been inspiring. This area has really come together to support those who were affected. While seeing the wreckage and debris (in person as well as all over the news and on facebook) has been depressing, seeing a small community rise up and take care of its own has been heartwarming.

On a lighter note, Friday was my birthday. I took the day off work and spent it with my kids (who were out of school due to the tornado damage) and my mom. While I am old enough to not really revel in turning a year older, I always appreciate time with loved ones.

I am so glad you came today. I have had tunnel vision this week, the tornado and aftermath have dominated my time and thoughts. Let’s talk about you. Tell me everything about your week. Catch me up!

Thanks to Emily at Nerd in the Brain for hosting the Weekend Coffee Share! Stop in and have a cup with our other participants at the linkup here.

19 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee… 3/5/17

  1. Mmm birthday cake and coffee! I love that combination. Now I want cake…

    Those were some nasty storms that blew though- a rough evening indeed. I was relieved to hear that you all were fine, but so sad to know so many were affected. Although it’s nice to see so many coming together to help each other. You live in a wonderful little community.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Even though your home and family are safe, it’s still traumatic to see others in ruin. There was a huge flood in Calgary a few years ago; our house was fine but just a few blocks away people were losing everything. It’s heartwarming to see how people help people at the worst of times though. Here’s a hug. And, Happy Birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy birthday (a little late)! 😀

    I’m so sorry to hear about the tornado in your area…I’m sending lots of love and warm thoughts to your community. (If your community needs more than love -money, supplies, etc.- feel free to send me a message, and I’ll include info in this week’s Coffee Share.) ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OMG Red Velvet Cake! I just discovered it a few years back, it’s a southern thing, I think? Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was great in spite of the misfortune in your town. 😦 So sorry to hear about loss of life and those really badly affected. Glad it wasn’t worse for you..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure if it is southern or not but red velvet has always been my favorite! I am certainly grateful that we are safe and sound. We are helping wherever we can.


  5. Happy belated birthday! Sorry I’m a tad late in responding. Not enough hours in my day.
    So very happy you were not personally affected but it must truly be heartwarming to see people get together in times of need.

    Liked by 1 person

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