If We Were Having Coffee…2/10/19


Welcome, friend! Our coffee date again finds us battling a cold, blustery morning. The roads were pretty icy this morning, my husband barely made it home from the night shift. Come in and let’s grab a warm beverage!

Our temps continue to bounce between 40’s and 50’s (F) and subarctic. Everyone has upper respiratory junkiness and I’m convinced the yo-yo weather is a big factor in that. We got an awful dose of freezing rain last night, though the temps should climb above freezing today and melt it away. It’s an all-too-familiar scenario, happening over and over the last couple of weeks. To say that I am OVER this winter is an understatement.

Our refrigerator died this week. It started with the freezer (we have a side-by-side). We noticed things weren’t quite frozen. But the refrigerator side seemed okay. So we bought a new one (and that was quite the unexpected expense!) and didn’t worry too much when the store told us it wouldn’t be delivered until this coming Wednesday. We’ll be okay for a week, we thought. Well, that very night the refrigerator side went out also (and yes my husband tinkered around with it to try and fix it, to no avail). Luckily, we aren’t home much and my parents down the street have a spare that we can use for essentials. But we still are going to have to throw out and replace a lot of food.  And of course, the new fridge is coming the day before we leave for our ski trip. Like I need anything else to stress about during an already-busy week!

In preparation for the ski trip, we put new tires on my car on Friday. One of my old tires had a little warp so it made this annoying noise. The new tires are fabulous and the car rides so quietly now. You know you are firmly in adulthood when things like new tires bring you so much joy!

My kids are super excited for the ski trip to Wisconsin. My older daughter has been there before. This will be the first time for my younger one. She has been talking non-stop about it for weeks. She’s been trying on her new gear (thank you, Amazon!) every night. I’m excited for her. We are taking a total of ten girls… eight high school Freshmen and two middle-schoolers. Wish me luck!

Before I run off to do laundry and check things off my pre-trip to-do list, tell me all about your week…

And stop in to grab a cup with the other Weekend Coffee Share participants here. Thanks to our host, Eclectic Alli!


18 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee…2/10/19

  1. I hope that the ski trip will lend itself to forgetting about the recent hassles for a while. One of my brothers used to take his family on skiing trips to Colorado in their younger days. They loved it! Have a great time!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. the dreary world of adulting were you get as much excitement from getting new tires and a new fridge as going on a skiing trip wait its the kids who are excited hahahahahha good luck!!
    have an awesome week and happy skiing lol

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 10 high school/middle school girls – good luck! But do have a good time skiing 🙂 Yeah, more adulting on the coffee share this weekend. Hopefulyl we don’t scare everyone away. Have a great week.

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  4. I love new tires and other adult-y purchases that make adulting easier! That’s why it brings so much joy!

    Enjoy all the giggling and screaming (if I remember correctly, when you get that many young girls together, it’s all giggling and screaming). Hopefully you won’t need a vacation from your ski vacation!


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    1. Yes there will be much giggling and screaming. You remember correctly!

      Truth be told, I’m really looking forward to the new fridge. New stuff is fun. And after the last few days it will certainly make life easier.

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  5. Hi Aime, I think I was mostly sorry to hear about your fridge giving up the ghost. How in all of physics do they sense the most awkward time to abandon us? And I salute you for taking that herd of girls out for some quality memory-making. Great stuff. You and they will never regret this time together.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, appliances always seem to find the worst time to break down. While I know this trip will be tiring in ways, I am very thankful to be able to spend the time with these girls. Wonderful memories will be made. Thanks and have a great week!


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