The wisdom of Dove

I am a big fan of Dove Promises. I am currently making my way through a bag of the caramel and milk chocolate variety. They are little bundles of awesomeness and they have a message inside… like a fortune cookie only better (because chocolate ).

Yesterday I opened this one:

Fair enough. I practice this every morning. Sleep is good and the snooze bar may be the best invention ever.

Then, not five minutes later, I opened this one:

I am sensing a trend here.

Take home messages:

1) I eat too much chocolate

2) The Dove Promise message writers (and what an awesome job that would be!) may be getting a bit lazy

3) Sleep is one of those universal things…We all need it, love it and want more of it.

These will be very appropriate for me tomorrow morning (are you guys watching this game??? So exciting! World Series game 7 tied in the ninth).

9 thoughts on “The wisdom of Dove

  1. I love the snooze button, but if I had to hit it that many times, I’d have to set the alarm for an hour before I had to get up! I think I’ll stick to hitting it once. And I agree, I think the writers are getting a little lazy. That’s funny!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Also, I never knock my alarm clock to the floor then have to get out of bed and blindly grope to find it while it steadily grows louder and louder. By that point why bother snoozing?

        Liked by 1 person

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