Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award!



I have been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award – the award that recognizes unique voices of women throughout the blogosphere. I was nominated by  Italian Hurricane!  Thank you so much, my friend. What an honor. Everyone, please go check out her blog, it is great!

The rules of this award are as follows:  Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site, put the award logo on your blog, answer the ten questions sent to you, make a list of ten questions for your nominees and nominate seven blogs

A couple of the blogs I nominated I have been following for a bit and others are newer follows for me. I have come across some great blogs in the Blogging 101 course. All of these are blogs that I enjoy and I want to spread some love and recognition for all of their hard work. My nominees are:

Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss


Good Woman

From Marisa’s Kitchen

Amanuensis Sobriquet-Reverie

Into the Forgotten

Apparently Anna Has Some Explaining To Do

And now for the questions… Ladies, I am sending you the same set of questions that I have answered below. I can’t wait to see your answers! Blogging is about community so lets all get to know each other.

1. Why did you start blogging?  I started this blog for myself, to get back into creative writing. It is a way for me to reconnect with that love of mine and also to develop my writing skills.

2. Which is your favorite among your blog posts? Why? I think my favorite is That Place. I wrote it for the Writing 101 class and it was one of my earliest posts. It is the kind of emotive writing that I strive for and it evoked some emotional responses in my readers. Score.

3. Who/What inspires most of your blog posts? I draw inspiration from a lot of places – my family, friends, past experiences. I love to write about love and relationships and draw from the past and present men in my life (much to my husband’s chagrin). I love music. Music takes me to a creative place.

4. What are your dreams and goals for your blog? I really just write for me but of course I would like to grow my readership. No one wants to feel like a tree falling in the woods with no one to hear. I love that ripple effect – comments and feedback from readers as they read my blog. So I guess my goal would be to connect with more people.

5. What do you want to accomplish this year? Personally, I am trying to find a new job that would give me more time with my family and hopefully more time for writing. I am always striving to be a better wife and mother. As far as writing, I want to strengthen my skills and get more comfortable sharing my work. I am confident that 2015 will be the year that I start my first novel.

6. What is your favorite book? Why? This one is hard. I love books. I am going to say The Stand by Stephen King. He is my favorite writer of all time. His writing is so detailed and addicting and he is the master of character development. I have read The Stand more times than any of his other books. It has strong characters and is a great story of the battle between good and evil.

7. What brings you joy? My family. I have a supportive husband and two amazing kids. Seriously, seeing life through the eyes of my kids is the best. They are an awesome gift.

8. Describe yourself in 3 words. Responsible. Creative. Loving.

9. Now tell us what 3 words your friends would use to describe you. Loyal. True. Fun.

10. How long have you been blogging? I started a blog over at blogger a few years ago and it never really got off the ground. I got busy and just abandoned it. I started my blog here at wordpress last spring.


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