Room 215

There was a reason the Hotel Souriant staff avoided room 215.

It was cold and uncomfortable but it also buzzed with negative energy. It seemed watchful, knowing. Like a fat, greedy spider waiting for prey to get caught in the web.

Five people had disappeared from that room in as many years.

The traveling businessman checked in on Monday. Almost imperceptible, a low groan rumbled through the bones of the old building. Darkness stirred.

By checkout Tuesday, he had vanished… though his belongings still littered the floor of room 215.

The staff swore they heard a satisfied sigh echoing through the hall.


PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

Happy weekend! This is written for the weekly flash fiction challenge, Friday Fictioneers. Check out the other 100-word gems of flash fiction here. Many thanks to our lovely host, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

34 thoughts on “Room 215

  1. I’m thinking the staff must be under some spell to still be offering said room…otherwise, that sucker should be barred and banned!

    Liked by 1 person

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