Casual Fridays 5/15/15

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It’s Friday! Time for the latest installment of Casual Fridays, my weekly chat post – no structure, no rules, no prompts, anything goes.  And please also check out Casual Fridays over at Helen’s blog, Good Woman.

Let’s get random…

Fridays seem to roll around quickly these days! This will be a short one as I haven’t much to say this week.

I had field trip #2 this week. This time it was the fifth grader. We went to a place called Crystal City Underground, a sports/recreation complex completely underground in a cavern system that used to be a sand mine. We took a barge ride on the underground lake and played sand volleyball and disc golf. The volleyball area was well-lit but the disc golf had some pretty dark areas. Imagine a bunch of fifth graders with frisbees running wild in a dark cave. Fun times. And not to mention that I spent a sunny 70-degree day down in a dank 55 degree cave bundled up yet still chilly. Seriously though, it was fun. The kids had fun and the adults had fun too. My daughter, who loves all things rock-related, was completely in her element admiring the rock formations and scouting around outside for rocks and crystals. We really enjoyed this unique place.

There are eight school days left. But who’s counting?

Nice weather and longer daylight has allowed us to resume our daily walks with our dog, Rusty, after work/school/dinner.  It’s great to get the kids outdoors and moving and it gives us all time to share our days. We’ve also been doing a fair amount of gardening and fishing (well, the girls go fishing with my dad. I don’t fish anymore). We also had a robin build a nest in one of our backyard trees so my kids have been closely monitoring the progress from eggs to hatchlings to almost- ready-to-leave-the-nest.

We are having another food party at work (someone is leaving) and the food table is set up right by my desk. So my workspace has become the social area today. Very little work is getting done today.

Happy Friday and have a great weekend, everyone!

2 thoughts on “Casual Fridays 5/15/15

  1. The mention of a food party brings back memories of the times we had where I use to work. If someone wasn’t leaving or it wasn’t time to celebrate a birthday or holiday we just turned it into a potluck day! We always found a reason for bringing in food to share.😊

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