If We Were Having Coffee on the First Day of 2017


A new year, a clean slate. I have no idea what 2017 will bring (though 1/20/17 scares me a bit) but something about January 1st always gives me feelings of hope and promise. It is a bit like opening a crisp, fresh journal with nothing but blank pages.

If we were having coffee on the first day of the year, we would talk about our holidays. Our Christmas was wonderful, small and quiet. I spent it with the people I love the most. We would also talk about how we rang in the new year. Did you stay home or go out? I stayed at home like usual. I also fell asleep before midnight like usual. My daughters woke me up in time to see the countdown. I remember a time (not that long ago) when my kids couldn’t stay awake that late. Now they can stay awake later than me. Overall, it has been a holiday weekend full of food and relaxation.

This year I will become the mother of a teenager. By the end of the year, I will have a daughter in her last year of middle school and a daughter in her last year of elementary school. Both of my parents are now retired. I hope that things will get better for my job this year. I hope that 2017 will be a good year financially for my family. I hope that we enjoy good health. I will work towards progress in personal development and fulfillment. I want to be a better person in twelve months than I am today.

And please, please, please let the Blues beat the Blackhawks in the Winter Classic tomorrow.

What would you tell me if we were having coffee?

Thanks to Diana at Part-time monster for hosting this weekly coffee chat! Join in by posting your own coffee post with the tag #weekendcoffeeshare and check out the other coffee share participants here.

11 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee on the First Day of 2017

  1. Oh, I love the Winter Classic, but I missed it this year. I was home sick, painting the bathroom on New Years Eve, but did manage to make to to midnight, and 1 a.m., and almost 2… something about my weird illness made it so I couldn’t sleep! Thus bathroom painting. I too love the beginning of a new year. May all your wishes for 2017 come true.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry you couldn’t sleep! At least you have a freshly painted bathroom. The Blues won the Winter Classic so I was quite the happy camper. Happy new year! I hope this a wonderful year for you and your family.

      Liked by 1 person

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